Blog | 4DHP
Despite the health benefits of improving your eating habits, it can be overwhelming. Dr Megan shares her 4 simple nutrition principles that are maintainable.

Four Principles of Nutrition and Healthy Living

Despite the health benefits of improving your eating habits, it can be overwhelming. Dr Megan shares her 4 simple nutrition principles that are maintainable.

We’ve known for a while now how important the core is - that allows our spine to be flexible and fluid but then at the next moment, stiff to brace under high loads. However, one lesser known fact is that our pelvic floor muscles play a crucial role in this dynamic system.

The Role of the Pelvic Floor in Core Function

We’ve known for a while now how important the core is - that allows our spine to be flexible and fluid but then at the next moment, stiff to brace under high loads. However, one lesser known fact is that our pelvic floor muscles play a crucial role in this dynamic system.

As conservative healthcare providers, we are often seen as – and often see ourselves as – purely manual therapy specialists.  Hands on treatment has its place. Its job is to get you moving correctly so that you can then reinforce and strengthen that movement by doing the movement!

Treatment is a Band-Aid

As conservative healthcare providers, we are often seen as – and often see ourselves as – purely manual therapy specialists. Hands on treatment has its place. Its job is to get you moving correctly so that you can then reinforce and strengthen that movement by doing the movement!

Movement is indispensable for quality of life! We all know the benefits of exercise.  Let’s replace that exercise with movement. If you are currently doing nothing, doing any activity tomorrow is already an improvement!


Movement is indispensable for quality of life! We all know the benefits of exercise. Let’s replace that exercise with movement. If you are currently doing nothing, doing any activity tomorrow is already an improvement!

Headaches have various causes and contributing factors, some of which are out of our ability to control.

The Corporate Headache: Tension Headaches and Brain Fog

Headaches have various causes and contributing factors, some of which are out of our ability to control. Of the four primary headaches, migraine and tension type headache are the two that we predominantly see in clinic.

A tear of the plantar plate can occur due to excessive strain or overload. Most commonly, tears develop in your second toe as that metatarsal is the longest which takes a load and increases the stress.

The 4 Pillars of Human Performance

Mindset is defined by the Cambridge dictionary as “a person’s way of thinking and their opinion.” Today a lot of us forget this, no one can tell us how to think but we can let external factors dictate our thoughts. When we truly grasp that we alone control our mindset the possibilities are endless!